Grown-Up Picnic

Jul 12, 2018 • McKenzie Toma

Grown-Up Picnic

Grown-Up Picnic

Dionysus (the god of wine and unrestraint) comes rolling into Thebes with a hoard of long-haired groupies (The Bakkhai) just sort of feeling the energy. 

Is anyone feeling Bakkhic lately? Sorry for the annoying, esoteric literary reference, but I just finished reading The Bakkhai, a tragedy for Euripides about the Greek god Dionysus, and have since been wanting to tipsily romp in green pastures clad in a fawn skin, strumming a lyre. (How convenient, we sell lyres!)

At the end the whole party gets out of hand and Pentheus, the ruler of the town who hates The Bakkhai and all of their wanton meandering, is executed by his mom in a crazed madness. It’s actually insane. But! Before that tragic ending, it’s all very exciting and everyone is feasting and drinking and being very whimsical. Anyway, the easiest way to immediately satiate my Bakkhic mood, was to have a fancy backyard garden picnic. Complete with elegant brass spork and Japanese pocket knife.

It’s one of my favorite things to do on a sunny day. The sincere pleasure of eating made even more pleasurable by doing so outside, whether under a big oak in the dappled sun, on the bank of a river, in a city park, or in your own backyard. Picnics are easiest was to make lunch a lot more dreamy. Pro tip: if you’re looking to make it even more dreamy and Bakkhic, you should definitely give the Miwak Junior pipe a go (available in-store). 


Having a picnic as close as your own backyard is nice for a few reasons. Unlike packing for some faraway day trip, at home you can always conveniently refill your gorgeous pitcher with water, (or another bottle of wine depending on how strong your Dionysian energy is). After you spill all the wine and the fruit juices drip on a pretty blanket from the couch you laid out, it can conveniently go straight into the wash afterward, along with your dishes. What a breeze.

If you work from home, it’s a sweet little afternoon intermission that makes your day feel extra special. If you work away from home, it’s the perfect way to unwind. A win-win!

Point being, let loose, liberate yourself, channel your goddex energy, enjoy the weather and have lunch outside. :-) 
